Dr. Shannon Wood Gallegos is B12 LOVE’s Founder and CEO. She has a passion for all things hormones, and as a Functional Medicine Doctor, has a wealth of knowledge about the keys to optimizing hormones for longevity. New launches at B12 LOVE, such as microdosing testosterone and hormone testing, are just a few of the offerings B12 LOVE has lined up to help you live healthier, happier, and longer.
Dr. Shannon dives into testosterone for men and women, how to optimize longevity, and why these are important to prioritize your health.
We LOVE your passion for all things hormones. Can you tell us why it’s important for everyone, regardless of age and gender, to pay attention to their hormones?
“Hormonal imbalances are the cause of so many negative symptoms that can impact our daily lives. Brain fog, low energy, and low libido are just a few that are more common than most people realize. Hormones are also the foundation for feeling optimal.”
How often should someone get their hormones tested?
“When just getting started on your journey to hormonal balance, hormones need to be tested more often, like every few months, to make sure the therapies or supplements we have introduced are working. Once someone has reached optimal levels, I recommend testing once a year with a comprehensive set of bloodwork testing and saliva testing.”
Last year, B12 LOVE launched some exciting new services such as Testosterone Therapies. Can you tell us more about why you decided to launch Testosterone Therapy for both men & women?
“Men have been doing injectable testosterone for a very long time and there are many options for men to start on these therapies. We want to continue the support for many men who already come to see us and give them a simple and easy option. There are not very many options for injectable testosterone for women and I wanted to give women a chance to boost testosterone in a simple and easy way. Testosterone is not just about sex drive and intimacy, but also can have profound effects on the brain, concentration, focus, mood, and confidence.”
With International Women’s Day this month, we want to take a moment to celebrate you and everything you’ve achieved. You truly are a force of nature.
When it comes to health and wellness, what do you believe women should prioritize to feel empowered and unstoppable?
“I think all women probably need some sort of adrenal support. By nature, we are all multitaskers and usually take on a lot in life. I am vital to my family’s foundation, and being a family of seven, that foundation is vast. One of my favorite supplements is Femmenessence. It’s a true endocrine nourisher and gives me the energy I need to keep up with running a business with eight locations. I also am prioritizing self-LOVE this year. I have a hard time doing things just for me. By nature, I nurture—it’s engrained in my being of who I am. With this type of personality, I have a very hard time with self-LOVE. This is my year to focus more on myself.”
Here at B12 LOVE, longevity is about more than just living longer—it’s also about living those years vibrantly. What are three things you believe everyone should incorporate into their wellness routine for a healthier, longer life?
“Sleep is the new fountain of youth. Although I do not get any sleep with young children, I do believe it is the foundation of vitality. Movement is the second foundation. We have to move our bodies, and I use the word movement on purpose because sometimes exercise is not fun for people. The last is a good supplement regimen, whether IV, IM, oral, or a combination. I believe our society’s food sources are too depleted to not have to supplement with nutrients. I wish it was not this way, but it is.”
Shop Dr. Shannon’s favorite products or book an appointment for a microdose of testosterone with one of our Functional Medicine Practitioners.
You can follow Dr. Shannon Wood Gallegos on instagram: @drshannon